Closed Store Reports

Once your web store deadline is completed, we will email you a few different reports that detail all your web store sales. These reports will help you know exactly who placed each order and will be very helpful when distributing the individual orders to each of your customers. Also, the information you get back can help you decide if you want to place any Add-On Orders to supplement the web store sales.

This video quickly explains each of the reports you’ll receive once your web store closes.

Every Order Invoice

This PDF file will have a single page for each buyers order placed online. This is the invoice and is to be included when the complete order is received by customer via group or individual shipping.

Order Tally PDF

This PDF report is an order tally of every item purchased, broken down by item style, color and size.

Order Spreadsheet

You’ll also be sent a .CSV file can open up in Excel or Google Sheets.

If you need to send an email blast to all who placed an orders, use this file to grab all emails easily.

Royalty Report

If your web stores set up as a fundraiser to earn a profit, you will also receive a royalty report. It details each item sold, the customer cost, your price, the web / credit card fees and the total profit you earned from your web store.

Please note: Royalties are paid within 30 days of final order delivery.