Add a Whole Class List

Everyone Included

We can add every classmate’s name to your shirt by inserting your class list into one of our designs. A class list can be printed on the back of a class design or on the front as a stand-alone design. You just send us your class list, and our art department can make it work with any of our designs or your own supplied artwork.

Submit your names

We can accept your list in almost any text-based computer file format. Cut and paste your list into the text of an email to us or upload your file from Microsoft Word or Excel.

** Please note – we DO NOT accept handwritten name lists or lists that are sent to us in a photo. We will not retype names – they need to be submitted in text format so no spelling errors can occur.

Upload Class List

  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.