Top 5 Design Ideas for School Spirit Wear

school spirit wear ideas

Top 5 Design Ideas for School Spirit Wear School spirit wear is a great way to foster unity, pride, and enthusiasm among students, staff, and the broader community. Whether you’re gearing up for a big game, a school fundraiser, or Spirit Week, custom apparel can help bring your school’s identity to life. At Kustom Imprints, […]

KI at the CADA Convention

Kustom Imprints recently hosted a booth at the California Association of Directors of Activities convention. The theme was JamaiCADA and convention goers were treated to Kustom printed arm socks. Take a look at our booth!  

We’re Seeing Red!

We have been busy getting out supplies for Red Ribbon Week! During Red Ribbon Week , schools make a coordinated effort to educate their students regarding drug prevention. The symbol of the red ribbon is a commitment to be a positive role model and never abuse drugs or alcohol. Schools give students drug prevention items, such as […]

Kustom Imprints

You think  to yourself: Wow, I need to get a variety of items for my organization…where in the world do I start? Lemme look online, Tees one place, pens another, cinch packs somewhere else… now where do I find a banner? And no one does embroidery? Grrrr! If you have said this about your printing […]