Sweatshop Free

A sweatshop is an industrial working environment with extreme, difficult or dangerous conditions. Frequently a sweatshop is specifically associated with the garment industry; however sweatshops can be run in just about any manufacturing business. In a sweatshop environment, the workers have few rights or ways to address their employment grievances. Additionally, they can be exposed daily to hazards such as extreme temperatures, harmful materials, hazardous situations, or abuse from employment management. Sweatshop workers are often forced to work long hours for little or no pay, regardless of any laws mandating overtime pay or a minimum wage. Additionally, child labor laws may also be violated in sweatshops. Though often associated with developing countries, sweatshops can (and do) exist in any country.

Kustom Imprints Is Sweatshop Free

Many businesses, organizations, and educational establishments have started to actively purse companies that employ sweatshop free policies within their vendors. For years, Kustom Imprints has actively worked to maintain the very best work environment for their employees. It has been a priority to our business that we are considered the best in the screen printing and embroidery business in respect to a sweatshop free environment. Most of our customers appreciate the extra steps we take to protect our workers and safeguard their complete work environment.

California State Garment License
The best way that an individual (in California) can research if the screen printing and embroidery businesses operates sweatshop free is to find out if they have a valid California State Garment License. Any company that embellishes finished garments, be it through tie-dye, screen print, embroidery, heat transfer or air brushing is considered in the larger sense a garment manufacturing business. Any business that conducts garment manufacturing in the state of California is required to apply and maintain a valid California State Garment License.

Kustom Imprints California Garment License # is 45644

Unfortunately there are too many in our screen printing and embroidery industry that operate without a garment license. Kustom Imprints fulfills all legal and ethical obligations to maintain a sweatshop-free environment for our employees. Our commitment to integrity is not just to our customers, but to our entire community.

We urge everyone in our business as well as every customer of our business to truly respect what it means to be sweatshop free. For more information regarding the California Garment License, contact the following State organization:

State of California
Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE)
Attn: Licensing and Registration Unit
P.O. Box 420603, San Francisco, CA 94142

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 703-4810
Fax: (415) 703-4808

To verify who has a garment license, just head to the State’s online database located at