Order Sorting & Packing
Tips for GROUP SHIP Orders
Sorting and distributing your spirit wear can be cumbersome, especially if you have several customer orders with differing item designs, colors and size options. We can assist your order sorting efficiency in a variety of ways.

Decide exactly how you will distribute orders
The Custom Data Fields also the sorting basis for how you will most efficiently distribute out your goods. Make sure they best fit your needs. For schools, the most common is Group Sorting by Teacher / Classroom. However, we can also sort by student name, parent name, order number or many other ways.
1. Be sure to have a large space to sort & pack orders.
You will need several tables and a large room or area to efficiently do the sorting and packing.
2. Solicit the “right amount” volunteer assistance.
We say “right amount” because sometimes you can have too many volunteer helpers. We recommend you have only enough bodies necessary to pack your orders efficiently. Too many hands can sometimes make a sorting party into a mistake party.
3. Have bags and/or boxes for individual orders.
While bags are not always necessary, if your web store sold several orders individual bagging and then group boxing keeps your items clean and organized.
1. Print invoices, group sheets & item labels.
INVOICE: Upon deadline completion, we will send you a PDF with each customer invoice as a single sheet of paper and pre-sorted in the grouping you have selected.
GROUP SHEETS: If you are group sorting, you can also receive the PDF listing for each classroom (or however your order is grouped.)
ITEM LABELS: We also will supply a PDF file formatted to Avery 5160 – 2 5/8” x 1” mail label size. Each printed label represents a single line item on a customer’s invoice. We recommend you place the label on the exterior of the bag. If a customer has ordered multiple items – they will have multiple stickers on the outside of their bag.
2. Prepare sorting space.
ITEM STATIONS: Give each item their own “space”. Make sure each item size & color option is easy to locate so the volunteers can quick grab an orders’ individual items.
GROUP CLUSTERS: Have space ready where you put all orders after they are packed.
3. Pack & Distribute
Have the volunteers bag each order and then cluster the order bags in their appropriate group. Then distribute each group’s orders however works best for you.